I show many of my life experiences through my artwork, whether that's my mental health, my love for the environment or even my heritage. Contact me if you have any questions.
A Visual Storyteller
A lot of the pieces in my portfolio are inspired from mental illness, nature, and my Nordic heritage. Most of it is illustrated work that is inspired from various artists who are both current and past such as John bauer, Don Kenn, Maruti Bitamin and various renaissance artists. Illustrating with a traditional media is really personal to me because it feels natural, close and real and connects me to the traditional artists that inspire me.
I show my experiences of mental illness, nature and my heritage in my work through my subject matter, color, texture and value. One of the pieces that I have titled “Wired” shows my experiences with anxiety. The contrast between the smooth realistic linework and cartoony cross hatching shows my troubles with distinguishing made up thoughts from real ones. The yellow eyes and wires against the black line work pops and gives the message that this piece is about mental health because yellow is usually associated with mental illness. One of my other pieces titled “Heimdallr” shows nature and my heritage. The god Heimdallr emerges from behind birchbark tree and listens with his ears (mushrooms) and sees with his eyes (birchbark) around the forest. Through these pieces that I am making i am trying to find myself through my heritage and make sense of myself through expressing my mental illnesses. Through nature I am trying to educate people on what is happening with the environment around us and the beauty of it, so we should protect it.
Overall I think that every artist should have a message to say to the public and show it in their art and one of my goals for the future is to inspire people around me with my messages of the environment and mental illness like the artists did that inspired me. I want to make a difference.
"Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right"
Interested in learning more about me, my work or how we can collaborate on an upcoming project? Feel free to reach out anytime, I would be more than happy to chat.